
Weekly Schedule


9:00-10:00 dynamic flow at Soma Yoga Center

16:15-17:15 vinyasa at Boston Yoga Union (Coolidge Corner)

18:00-19:00 power vinyasa Equinox Dartmouth


7:00-8:00 dynamic flow Soma Yoga Center


16:00-16:45 vinyasa at Equinox Dartmouth

17:45-19:00 advanced at Boston Yoga Union (Back Bay)


12:05-13:00 flow at Equinox Franklin

16:00-17:15 hybrid* flow at Boston Yoga Union (Back Bay)

18:00-19:00 heated flow at Soma Yoga Center


9:15-10:30 vinyasa at Boston Yoga Union (Coolidge Corner)

16:00-17:15 hybrid* flow at Boston Yoga Union (Back Bay)

(stay up to date on other classes I sub by following my instagram)

*hybrid indicates both a virtual and in person option!

There is no wisdom without play.

one on one.


For someone looking to deepen their yoga practice outside of group classes.

The hardest step is always the first, reach out today to schedule with me. Check out my contact page to get in touch.

Whether you are new to the practice of yoga, improving overall mobility, solidifying the basics, finding a complement to strength/pull training, or building an advanced asana practice, private sessions offer something for everyone.

Working one on one allows for completely personalized instruction and open dialogue between us so you can amplify your body awareness and discover old patterns that are keeping you stagnant. Be ready for change!